Campus Currents: 3/3-3/9 
What’s happening at UI this week?

Happy Monday, Vandals! It’s midterms week, so stress might be high right now. Try to take some time off of studying to have fun! Here’s some events happening on campus […]

African American read-in celebrates literature and art 
Students and faculty came together to share their favorite works by African American authors

On Feb. 27, like-minded enthusiasts of literature came together in the UI Library to read excerpts of poems, stories and novels written by African American writers. This informal gathering, which […]

March Horoscopes
What does this month have in store for you?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)   Be careful this month and look out for yourself. You may have gone through some difficult situations lately, but March will be a great […]

Bill proposed to end Idaho’s involvement with WWAMI  
State legislatures seek to pull out of partnership with University of Washington and create new program in Utah

Idaho House Bill 176 seeks to cut Idaho’s ties with WWAMI, a multi-state medical education partnership including Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. Passed by a 9-5 vote in the […]