Copy coyote – Four dead coyotes were found on Greek properties
Four coyotes were reported dead, lying in front of three sorority houses and one fraternity on University of Idaho’s Greek Row Feb. 10. Corporal Casey Green, liaison officer of UI […]
Four coyotes were reported dead, lying in front of three sorority houses and one fraternity on University of Idaho’s Greek Row Feb. 10. Corporal Casey Green, liaison officer of UI […]
For many University of Idaho students, Greek Week is about more than carnival games and talent shows. “It”s uniting. It”s competitive,” said Claire McKeown, UI Panhellenic Council public relations director. […]
Formal Greek recruitment ended about a week earlier this year in order to give Greeks the chance to attend orientation events that began Thursday. Dean of Students Blaine Eckles said […]
A passion for the University of Idaho and an interest in Greek life brought Leyalle Harris, the university”s new assistant Greek life adviser, back to Moscow. While Harris has only […]