With students living on and off campus, it’s not uncommon to see them driving around, bustling to classes with headphones blaring. Although it may make you feel like Captain America, […]
Monday, May 18 12:01 p.m. Threatening: The reporting party stated a car sped up and swerved at her while she was in the Winco parking lot. She said the person […]
A politoon depicting a person complaining about traffic related to Washington State University and University of Idaho Homecomings.
With the University of Idaho and Washington State University in such close proximity to each other, any given weekend could bring extra visitors to the Palouse. This weekend, however, nearly […]
Minor annoyances happen all the time, whether it’s someone cutting you off in traffic or spilling your coffee. Some are accidents and others are just plain rude. We often […]
Left turns can be tricky maneuvers — sometimes so tricky they can lead to accidents. Moscow Chief of Police David Duke said two accidents within the last few weeks — […]
The Moscow City Council will hold an emergency ordinance hearing to consider a proposal to regulate electronic signs at 7 p.m. on Sept. 4.
The City of Moscow passed an ordinance to prohibit left turns from Main Street onto Third Street between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.