21 for drinks, three lessons for the future
We may get older and even age out of college, but life keeps teaching if we let it

Over this past week, I finally reached a large milestone. My venture into adulthood became complete as I turned 21, finally able to venture into the Corner Club or the […]

Time eases the mind
Taking a gap year after high school is something young people should more seriously consider

  Many of us have thought about taking a gap year — the year or so between leaving mandatory schooling and entering higher education. This idea largely for younger people is […]

Time is of the essence
Think about your procrastination habits before it's too late

Did I procrastinate this column? Yes, I did. Should I have? Probably not. Procrastination is something people tend to do without thinking. But in the long run, it won’t have […]

Managing time management
Why time management is key to college success and happiness

As college students, one of the most common things we deal with is managing our time. Learning how to balance school with other activities such as sports, clubs, internships, and […]

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Off the cuff

Shout-out to Scalia, Thomas and Moore I thank God for these justices. They seem to be the only ones fighting the good fight in Alabama and across the nation. Stand fast, gentlemen! —Andrew