UI starts grant program for sustainable farming
Largest grant award in university’s history aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The University of Idaho has launched a grant program that will support climate-smart markets and practices in Idaho.  Grants range from $38 to $74 per acre, or “$1 per head […]

A separated trash container on campus | Tariq | Argonaut
UI achieves Gold Rating from STARS Program
UI achieves ‘milestone’ with self reporting efforts

The University of Idaho has achieved a “Gold” rating from the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) for its sustainability efforts from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability […]

OPINION: Valentine’s Day hurts the planet 
With chocolate, rose and greeting card sales skyrocketing, Valentine’s Day pollutes the planet

Choclates encased in plastic heart-shaped containers, bouquets of roses and cards with cheesy messages of love are just a few of the stereotypical Valentine’s Day experiences. But did you know […]

Vandal Entertainment hosts Earth Jam
Awaiting Earth Day this Friday, UI students educate on sustainability

Hosted by both Vandal Entertainment and the Sustainability Center, the Earth Jam event was a way to educate University of Idaho students on sustainability. Taking center stage at the ISUB […]

Sustainability Center | Joclynn Howell | Argonaut
UI’s take on sustainability
Making environmental differences the Vandal way

It can feel as though large problems like climate change and sustainability are not within a student’s power to change. Some may be quick to believe the actions of an […]

Kari Greer Artist Climate Change | Emily Pearce | Argoanut
Idaho artists portray climate change
Local art portrays the thoughts and feelings of Moscow creators

Artists often find ways to incorporate current events, important issues and personal passions into their work as a way of expressing ideas and opinions. Moscow’s art scene is no exception […]