Teaching assistants received a blessing Feb. 5 in the form of an email detailing the new system in which University of Idaho TAs will be paid. The email, sent out […]
The spring Career Fair, presented by University of Idaho Career Services, offered a unique opportunity for students Wednesday to network and meet potential employers in the Kibbie Dome. This year’s […]
One of the most daunting thoughts that crosses a student’s mind is “What comes next?” We all begin college worrying about how to get through the next four years, but […]
The ASUI Senate voted on a series of bills which will make changes to ASUI rules and regulations which were discussed during the senate’s previous meeting. The senate debated and […]
University of Idaho Campus Dietician Marissa Rudley gave a tour to 10 UI students at The Moscow Food Co-op.
What happens when you combine an accordion, oboe, cello, violin and operatic tenor vocals? Audience members at the next installment of the Auditorium Chamber Music Series (ACMS) featuring Quartetto Gelato […]
Party lines were nonexistent Monday night as the candidates in the Moscow City Council candidate forum spoke to student and community members in the Vandal Ballroom of the Bruce Pitman […]
The golf industry is evolving, and the University of Idaho is evolving with it.
Mountain Man Music is a recording studio for musicians in Moscow that brings the Los Angeles studio experience on the Palouse. Mountain Man Music (MMM) was started and owned by […]
Claire Majors, a University of Idaho mechanical engineering senior, spent 10 days in Bolivia over the summer to help install a gravity feed water supply system for a local village […]