ASUI rejected a call for the removal of the mask mandate within select campus buildings following a spirited debate among students. Wednesday’s meeting, which clocked in just shy of four hours, saw significant outside attendance as students sought to […]
It is no great secret that something is greatly lacking at the University of Idaho. Take a stroll across any modern university and one will inevitably find the student union building. In […]
As the fall semester prepared to kick into gear, so did plans to reclaim and rename student spaces. The University of Idaho Commons Building became the new Idaho Student Union […]
The ICCU Arena is set to be built at the University of Idaho next year. The building’s purpose is host sporting events, host concerts and also provide conference facilities. However, […]
If it”s used like a student union, paid for like a student union and run like a student union, it is probably a student union. That”s the opinion of ASUI […]
It might be ill-advised to compare the fan bases at Idaho and Washington State and the respective home atmospheres for the Vandal and Cougar basketball teams.
Awesome bathrooms I have a confession to make. I use the bathroom. A lot. The biggest reason is that I have a hard time passing a drinking fountain without stopping.
The University of Idaho Student Union Building will be remodeled starting in May and is expected to be completed in October 2013.
Vince Escutia paints Andreana Cortez’s face for Dia de los Muertos, “Day of the Dead,” an annual Mexican holiday honoring and remembering the lives of loved ones who have died.
The ASUI Readership Program provides free newspapers for students, but because the program was being abused by Moscow community members, the papers now require a student ID for access.