“Joe’s Inferno” to make its debut soon 
The "Hot Ones" parody show hopes to highlight resources, clubs and student groups on campus

The Department of Student Involvement will be releasing their own parody of the internet show “Hot Ones” that will be called “Joe’s Inferno,” according to Brandon Brackett, the Director of […]

Shrek’s swamp made an appearance at UI
Vandal Entertainment hosted a Shrek Rave for UI students

Only days after Shrek’s swamp became a rentable reality on Airbnb, University of Idaho’s Vandal Entertainment held a Shrek Rave last Thursday night for students looking to channel their inner […]

‘We need to come together’
Students, officials discuss the growing lack of Moscow entertainment and need for central campus space

Natalie Mesplay often finds herself bored, believing there are fewer entertainment options in Moscow than there could be. “It’s boring. I want to go out and do things and meet […]