7 Ways to Love Yourself this Valentine’s Day
Take some time to show the most important person in your life some love

Valentine’s day is a holiday focused on love and showing appreciation to the people we love most in our lives. It is important to celebrate our significant others and everyone […]

OPINION: College stumps creativity
Storing away art supplies, making room for textbooks

Though January felt like it went on forever, it doesn’t feel like classes have been in session for long. We are nearing the end of the first five weeks of the semester, and it doesn’t seem real.

Self-care Sundays
Self-care activities Moscow has to offer

Writer Emily Pearce takes the streets of Moscow to find different ways to indulge in self-care. It has been a hard semester, and the past few weeks have been some […]

May’s Mental Health Awareness Month
A wrap-up and check-in with our loved ones

We all know how hard it can be to keep up with self-care, especially when our schedules become so busy. Whether it’s college, work or something outside of our control, […]

Embracing empathy
Building relationships based on empathy and understanding should be a priority in the new year

I know — we have all heard about the importance of self-care and mental health a million times. Still, saying it one more time is worth it, especially if you […]