Movie Review: The Eras Tour Movie 
Taylor Swift fans can experience the Eras Tour on the big screen

The Eras Tour has been one of the most expansive tours Taylor Swift has had yet. If you’re a Swiftie, you probably know all about this tour. It was planned […]

Where books and music collide 
The fantasy novel that inspired fan favorite songs

The EP titled “Wrong Side of the War” by artist Beth Crowley recently hit the music scene, but these tunes are more than just a beautiful melody, in fact, the […]

8 captivating Asian thrillers to explore
Branch out from Hollywood and check out these binge-worthy Asian thrillers

We all love thrillers because the adrenaline and shock elements always make for a less boring time. Thrillers are available in every culture and in every language, but for people […]

Wicked Wednesday’s Presents: “Candyman”
UI JAMM Students organize a showing of 1992’s Candyman

Last week, the student-organized Wicked Wednesday event showcased 1992’s “Candyman” at the Kenworthy Theatre. “Candyman” is oft credited for the rise of “black horror” because of the way its subtext […]

Artist Breakdown: Joji
Breaking down Joji’s lovelorn discography

George Miller, known as Joji, has become one of the most popular musicians today.   Miller first rose to fame on YouTube creating comedy videos under the name Filthy Frank. Miller […]