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UI continues vaccine attitude research
UI-led study, continuing UI’s efforts to understand vaccines, finds why some vaccine skeptics might get vaccinated

A recently published study led by a University of Idaho researcher found proximity to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases increases the likelihood that some skeptics would get vaccines, UI announced in […]

The rewards of research
College of Science senior to pursue studies in ecology and biology

When Carly Scott was 18, she told her mother she was never going to be an ecologist. Now she is headed to graduate school to study in an ecology and […]

A seat at the table
A Colorado State University professor shared her research into public land usage at a talk on the UI campus

Monday evening, Colorado State University assistant professor Leisl Carr Childers shared her research in public land use in the American west’s Great Basin. She focused her talk on multiple use, […]

Academic competitions driving discovery
UI professor shares his experience competing for a Grand Innovation Prize

Greg Möller described the scene — the temperature had dropped below freezing. Snow fell silently to the ground. Ten teams from around the world used nine square meters each to […]

Is Alexa the newest teaching assistant?
Researchers explained their research with Amazon’s Echo Dot in K12 classrooms at the Malcolm Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium Tuesday

“Alexa, watch the class!” A middle school teacher left the classroom for a few minutes, relying on the Echo Dot they left behind to keep their students in line, Tonia […]

Interim dean hopes to be dean of UI library
UI will have a new library dean, announcement expected in April

University of Idaho library dean candidate Ben Hunter spoke about the role of the library in a land grant research institution Wednesday in the Idaho Commons, during the third of […]

President to professor
Chuck Staben still considering tenured biology position

If University of Idaho President Chuck Staben chooses to stay on as a tenured faculty member, he will be the first of 18 presidents to do so.  According to UI […]

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Fish breath
University of Idaho graduate Curtis Roth’s study on trout finds some air exposure doesn’t harm the fish

University of Idaho graduate Curtis Roth studied how long a fish can be held out of water for his master’s thesis from 2016 to 2017 — and he recently published […]

UI professors explain interdisciplinary work
Researchers Edwin Lewis and Shriley Luckhart explain the Center for Health in the Human Ecosystem’s work at Tuesday’s Malcolm Renfrew Colloquium

Biological organisms and ecosystems are incredibly complex. Oftentimes, it takes multiple researchers with diverse ranges of focus to understand biological puzzles. That’s why researchers Edwin Lewis and Shirley Luckhart work […]