Announced on Feb. 13, the University of Idaho has officially reached Carnegie R1 research institution status. UI is the first research institution in the state of Idaho to reach this […]
University of Idaho Assistant Professor Colin Xu recently helped conduct a study that has brought to light information that contrasts the once popular belief that most negative antidepressant side effects […]
University of Idaho Professor Ryan Long has traveled to North America and Africa for his research, recently entering Denmark. Seven years under his belt at the university, his wildlife research […]
When looking around the UI campus, it’s not hard to see the importance and emphasis the university puts on research. Walking to class, students might pass the JW Martin Lab, […]
A tusk-less elephant phenomenon led a University of Idaho professor to research in Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. Ryan Long, an associate professor in wildlife sciences, along with researchers from […]
Studying genetics in animals has become a significant part of Brenda Murdoch’s career. She has written numerous genetic essays, studied genetic evaluation and has been an associate professor at the […]
Traveling to Chile, researchers from the University of Idaho went to witness an eclipse and its effects on gravity waves and the atmosphere. The researchers, alongside three other universities in […]
Chris Miele, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Geological Sciences came to the University of Idaho in search of new opportunities in research and travel. Originally from Canada, Miele […]
The Turner Glacier in south Alaska used to move at stable speeds until 2020. Now, the glacier charges forward 65 feet a day, bulldozing sand and debris into the ocean. […]
Unwinding in a bath after a long day isn’t just limited to humans – in fact, large bodied mammals in the wild have been observed doing the exact same thing.