A beginners guide to the budget deficit
Program cuts are still a possibility, though a final decision hasn't been made

Cars filled to the brim with hopeful new Vandals drive past bright green hills as they embark
on their first year of college life. They arrive at the University of Idaho and eagerly unpack their
bags, preparing for whatever college has in store for them. From Greek Life to the residence halls and off- campus housing, students learn what their time at UI will mean. While they adjust to their academic lives, students must similarly adjust to changes in UI’s General Education Budget in face of the $22 million deficit.

UI releases new numbers on voluntary leave
Memo released containing new numbers for voluntary separation proposal

New numbers were released Friday on voluntary separation plans for University of Idaho employees. A memo, released by President C. Scott Green, updated students, and staff on potential solutions to the projected $22 million deficit.

UI Budget Forum: 3 main points from the event
Budget Forum conversation highlights concerns with outsourcing, UI approach to marketing and growing enrollment

With approximately 700 people in attendance, in person and via the Zoom video call, University of Idaho President C. Scott Green addressed a range of issues brought forth by students, […]

Seeking transparency
Having open and honest conversations about pressing issues shouldn't even be a consideration

Transparency means laying out the facts. It means leaving no stone unturned. It means having an open and honest dialogue, even when met with a flurry of angry emails and phone calls. It means being open and honest when it is least convenient to the university.