Porn shouldn’t be free
Being able to watch others have sex online is a service, not a right, and we should be paying for it

How available creative content should be has been a concern for ages, and amplified by the internet’s existence. This question of who owns what and who can have it especially […]

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Misguided sex education
Porn often fills the gap left by poor sex education

When I was ten years old, I logged onto I was curious what sort of website shared my first name. Several naked women danced across my computer monitor and […]

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Fox News, MSNBC and XXX

After the Dec.14 shooting in Newtown, Conn., the American Psychological Association published an article to aid parents navigating their children through the aftermath of national tragedies. The APA advised parents […]

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No need to see some skin

According to the report The Social Costs of Pornography: A Statement of Findings and Recommendations, “66 percent of 18- to 34-year-old men visit a pornographic site every month” and “Every […]