OPINION: Debunking myths
Kamala Harris is more qualified than most would think

Since she announced her candidacy for president of the United States in January 2019, Sen. Kamala Harris has been the subject of a smear campaign full of lies by the majority of news outlets, public figures and general social media users.

Voting stickers courtesy
OPINION: There are more than two ways of thinking
America boosts a two-party system, but there is much more than that

Lately I’ve noticed that many people like to think in terms of black or white, right or wrong, this or that and right or left, especially when it comes to politics. You’re thought of as a Democrat or a Republican, with very few people seen as fitting in that awkward unknown space between. The Constitution party’s presidential candidate for 2020 is Don Blankenship.

Ammon Bundy being rolled out of the Capitol by Idaho State Police. | Ryan Suppe, The Idaho Press
OPINION: Double arrest deserved
Attention-hungry Bundy was served double for his trouble

At long last, Idaho’s insufferable Ammon Bundy got a taste of what he deserved. After months of causing trouble where nobody wanted it — such as him and his posse breaking their way into legislative sessions or filling rooms past their limits for proper social distancing — he got himself arrested for two misdemeanors twice in 24 hours.

Grandmother and granddaughter arguing
Echoes of disaster
Reaching out to find other opinions prevents extremist views

In times of hardship, people seek out solace in what is familiar to them in the form of media, opinions and physical locations. While finding a literal safe space in […]

no vote
OPINION: Voting is a choice
There are more than two options when it comes to voting

In a two party government the political line draws itself. This presents a problem in
the very definition of democracy. A democracy is supposed to be the will of the people represented by people they want to lead. The United States is not a democracy. It is a republic.

OPINION: Repositioning state borders destined to fail
“Greater Idaho” is a nonsensical proposition that doesn’t solve any real problems

Whenever a new “rebellion” is born in our corner of the West, we are usually thrilled. Removed from the sprawls
of Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland, the rest of the West is often forgotten except when uprisings come back into fashion. We are sometimes defined by stubborn rebellion, as we currently are in light
of the new “Greater Idaho” movement.

OPINION: Progression of a progessive
Jordan is more ambitious than ever

This year’s Democratic primary has enough storylines to keep Idaho voters tuned in well before the May 19 primary and the first Tuesday in November. Paulette Jordan’s entrance into the U.S. Senate race gives the Democrats, at the very least, an interesting candidate to challenge incumbent Jim Risch.

OPINION: Awaiting Iowa
Monday's calamity should be the final death knell of caucuses

We are merely days into the official 2020 election cycle and already the media is confused, the nomination system is broken and most importantly,people are tired.

Guest Voice: Discussing political apathy
Zack Bishop, president of UI's Young Democrats club, talks political engagement

The University of Idaho is politically apathetic. That is not to say there aren’t people who have strong feelings on issues, rather it is an admittance that we would rather […]