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Idaho’s tuition on the up and up
The Idaho State Board of Education voted to increase UI student tuition and fees

The Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) voted to increase University of Idaho tuition and fees by 5 percent for full-time resident students and raise tuition by 8 percent for […]

News Brief — ASUI Senate

After an almost two-hour meeting, the ASUI Senate left with more bills failed than passed. The senate failed a bill which would have eliminated senator pay. The bill, which received […]

Column: Raiderettes Strike Back

In January 2014, two former NFL cheerleaders filed a class-action wage theft lawsuit against the Oakland Raiders. The suit accused the NFL team of breaking multiple state labor laws, like […]

Struggling to get by

UI staff member faces low wage, financial stress  Lisa Cochran attempts to live her life on $13.51 an hour, but it’s not enough for her and her daughter. It’s not […]

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Equal pay now

Women deserve equal pay, Idaho needs to catch up Sadly Idaho is ranked 51st out of the 50 states and Washington D.C. when comparing median incomes for women, at just […]