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OTC — 12.06.18

What is your wish this holiday season? Inner peace This semester has been one big coffee-fueled rollercoaster. Hopefully, some rest next to a roaring fire while football plays in the […]

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O.T.C. — 10.18.18

What is your favorite University of Idaho Homecoming tradition? Football While the sport is widely available every weekend, either in person or on TV, you just can’t match the electric […]

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O.T.C. — 10.11.18

What was your favorite part about working with The Argonaut? Friendship Although I learned a lot about journalism and being a reporter at The Argonaut, the friends I had during […]

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O.T.C. — 09.27.18

If you could be any character from the “Harry Potter” series, what character would you be?— Minerva McGonagall Thanks to my big hair and affinity for books, most people knew […]

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O.T.C. — 09.13.18

What other culture would you like to spend time immersing yourself in? Mi familia I’d love to spend a year or forever in Italy. I’d simply start with my family […]

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O.T.C. — 08.30.18

What fictional character would you pick to lead UI? Minerva McGonagall UI needs a strong female. The fact that she is magical just so happens to be a plus. —  […]

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O.T.C — 08.17.18

Find your humans I found my humans freshman year and keep finding new ones. They’ll pop up in the most unexpected places — so keep your eyes open. — Hailey  Get tenured […]

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O.T.C. — 05.03.18

If you made a movie about this school year, what would you title it? “Fighting for Survival” I might give it a post-apocalyptic feel and have my sidekick be a […]

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O.T.C. — 04.19.18

Who is your hero? My mommy She may be shorter than me, but I look up to her. — Lindsay Yer Mom It’s not really your mom, it’s a completely […]

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O.T.C. — 03.29.18

If you could switch to any study other than your current major, what would you pick? Theater Currently I am a marketing and finance major. But, my true love was […]