University of Idaho’s parking is not that bad. 
We all can complain about the campus parking, but when you look at the big picture, it could be a lot worse.

Have you ever been in search of that golden parking spot? Driving around in endless circles because you can’t find a place? Well, the University of Idaho’s Parking and Transportation […]

The virtual frontier: There is no need for humans in space 
In a time of technological advancement, we find that humans are no longer needed to physically venture outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

In today’s world, we have a rapid development of robotics, artificial intelligence and extremely immersive technologies. The idea of sending humans out into the dangerous darkness of space is becoming […]

The transformative power of technology 
Are you a fan of technology? I am, let me explain why.

In today’s era, technology dominates our daily lives. Looking over history, it is undeniable that technology has made a great impact on society. Whether it is healthcare, communication, or education, […]

Martin Scorsese has a point: cinema needs to be saved 
Director Martin Scorsese is telling Hollywood to stop making superhero movies, here’s why

In the latest interview with GQ magazine, Film Director Martin Scorsese urged the industry to fight back strongly against the superhero mega-franchise, for which he has received spiteful remarks abundantly.   […]