Throughout college and even in high school, many students are given advice as they look at potential career opportunities to pursue after they finish their education. A commonly heard saying […]
The first “Star Wars” movie in 10 years, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” hits theaters in December. For those who aren”t familiar with the legendary space epic, or haven”t seen […]
All Christians beware – the local Starbucks is out to ruin your holiday. That”s right, Starbucks hates Jesus and has declared war on Christmas. The war began artistically, with a […]
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, a new kind of culture has emerged. It”s a culture where individuals who are regularly glorified by the […]
While my love of music may be infinite, my finances are not. It”s tempting to buy every Beatles vinyl ever and blow $250 on some high-end headphones, but decisions must […]
It”s a sad reality, but a reality nonetheless – people today are desensitized to several heavy, disheartening or meaningful topics simply because society allows it by enabling apathetic lifestyles. One […]
College provides a number of opportunities for students that most people don”t regularly have at their disposal. One of these opportunities is the chance to listen and ask questions to […]
Obtaining good grades, a degree from a good school and a good job are just a few common sources of agony for college students, but there are a lot of […]
When the most information about an upcoming election comes from a comedy show, something is not right. Tuesday was Election Day for 2015. Though not as widely addressed as the […]
There has been a lot of negativity toward police officers recently, including videos of excessive force and shootings. Last Sunday, the Associated Press released a report about sexual misconduct by […]