Idaho is not exclusive to those who identify as Republicans but is a state for anyone willing to call themself an Idahoan. So why is it that the Idaho Republican […]
What’s up, Vandals! My name is Martha Smith and I am this year’s ASUI President. We’ve had requests to make ASUI more transparent in the past, so here I am! […]
(Guest Voice Martha Smith) I am a senior here at the University of Idaho and consider myself politically engaged. I also consider myself a moderate and I value politicians who […]
In today’s society, sports have the expectation of bringing people together by watching your favorite sport or athlete and cheering them on. But what happens when mere spectating gets out […]
When listening to music, reading the latest novel or consuming media in general, the politics behind the art are always involved. When considering social media’s landscape today with its cancel […]
Moscow’s own state senate representative Dan Foreman has embarrassed himself once again. Last week, Foreman yelled at Native American candidate Trish Carter-Goodheart to “go back to where you came from” […]
Today, Oct. 11, is National Coming Out Day. It was established back in 1988 as a way to celebrate the LGBTQ community and their pride in being queer. Except why […]
Boise State University’s volleyball team allegedly recently forfeited a game because they assumed a player on the opposing team is transgender. Set to play against San Jose State University on […]
Young voters in America hold a unique position in national voter demographics, yet they often fall behind the average in voter turnout when compared to other age groups. Though younger […]
Homecoming is just around the corner, meaning football season is in full swing. It’s so far, so good for the Vandals: our team has won three out of the five […]