Derek Kowatsch | rawr reviews In Quentin Tarintino’s latest film, Django Unchained, the director pays homage toward the spaghetti westerns of the 60s while also portraying the brutality of slave culture.
Hopefully, your Christmas will be filled with sugar cookies, eggnog and holiday decorations. But in the downtime of the festivities, TV stations broadcast a various array of Christmas themed TV […]
Bradley Burgess | Rawr Reviews Creative ideas are only as good as their execution. Take “Ruby Sparks,” a struggling writer (Paul Dano) writes about his dream girl and gets a […]
Joseph Engle | rawr reviews There are a lot of things wrong with the film Ladyhawke. The soundtrack is jarring and out of place with the setting, some of the […]
Molly Spencer | rawr reviews I have officially decided The Lorax is my favorite Dr. Seuss movie adaptation. I have been a fan of Danny Devito since his 1996 appearance […]
Joseph Engle | rawr reviews It’s dark. It’s cerebral. It’s a genuinely fascinating study of human nature with real-world implications. As the finale to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, it is […]
Molly Spencer | rawr reviews If you’re a fan of any Jonah Hill movie, then you’re aware that he is a most unsuitable babysitter. In his new release, “The Sitter” […]
Kaitlyn Krasselt | rawr reviews Disney princesses have been busy being distressed, falling in love and getting married since 1937 when Walt brought Snow White to the big screen. The […]
ASUI will continue to provide weekly entertainment this summer with “Screen on the Green” movies on the Theophilus Tower lawn and noontime concerts in the Idaho Commons courtyard.
Joseph Engle and Jens Olson | rawr reviews [vimeo w=600&h=338] This week, Jens Olson and Joseph Engle take you through the looking glass to have a gander at this […]