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Check in on the community
Police officials discuss welfare checks, which people can use to check in on community members

Someone is slumped over the wheel of their vehicle. They don’t appear to be moving and you aren’t sure how long they’ve been there. They haven’t necessarily done anything wrong, […]

Moscow to vote on MPD move
Moscow City Council approved a bond ordinance which funds three projects; residents to vote on ordinance in May

The Moscow City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a bond ordinance that addresses the construction of a new police department. In 2015, Moscow City Council identified the “deteriorating and […]

Rise through the ranks
Moscow police chief worked his way up through the department through years of service

Moscow’s chief of police, James Dale Fry Jr., 49, said his tenure with the Moscow Police Department (MPD) has been long and decorated, and he is continuously exploring new and […]

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Police log: April 21 – 24

April 21 Warbonnet Drive, 8:21 a.m. Male died after an apparent alcohol overdose. 900 block University Avenue, Teaching and Learning Center, 10:02 a.m. Student left his backpack in a classroom. […]