On Tuesday, two moose were spotted lounging on the lawn around the Administration Building and Hello Walk. They were seen grazing on the lawn, chasing each other and sleeping over […]
Friday, April 15 8:01 a.m. Animal Problem: The caller found a dog that was blocking traffic on 6th and Howard streets. The dog was taken to the shelter by the […]
Friday, March 4 3:12 a.m. Welfare Check: A person was slumped over in their vehicle for the last 40 minutes at Winco. 8:59 a.m. Stray Animals: A coyote-like dog with […]
Friday, Feb. 18 7:28 a.m. Animal Problem: University of Idaho’s security requested assistance to get a moose off-campus near the Admin Building. 7:53 a.m. Suspicious Person: The caller complained of […]
I’m weird fyi I wanted to fix computers when I was a child. My spirit animal is Stephen Colbert’s eyebrows. I’m grateful for Shawn O’Neal. — Erin Learn about me […]
All University of Idaho students received a vandal alert through email or text Tuesday morning about the moose that has wandered onto campus. Students may have caught a glimpse of […]