Reading a book in a field near the dorms. Kim Stager | Argonaut
Midterms De-Stress Tips
Midterms week is a stressful time, so here’s a few ways you can help yourself relax and let go of some stress!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed during midterms week, but it’s important to take care of your mental health. It doesn’t have to be a week full of endless tests and […]

Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal
Life Hacks: March 6-12  
What’s happening at UI this week?

Midterms can be a stressful time for students, but they are also a chance to celebrate making it halfway through the semester. With just a few days left until Spring […]

OPINION: The pink tax and how it can end
Women pay up to 13% more for daily necessities, let’s smash the patriarchy

The patriarchy is a terrifying place to live, especially for women. Women have to deal with catcalling, objectification, sexual harassment and abuse. Being fired for pregnancy or passed over for […]

Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal
Life Hacks: Oct. 10-16 
What’s happening at UI this week

Midterms are upon us, and while this can mean heightened stress levels and anxiety over tests, don’t forget to celebrate making it halfway through the semester as well. This week […]

Vandal Entertainment to host midterms rage room
UI to invite students to paint, break and build a mosaic with plates and dishware

On Thursday, Oct. 14, Vandal Entertainment (VE) is holding a midterms week rage room at the ISUB Plaza. VE will be providing plates and various other dishware for students to […]

Panel centers on election outcomes
University of Idaho political science professors discuss impacts of 2018 election at panel Thursday

In a panel by the University of Idaho Politics and Philosophy department put on Thursday, five professors discussed the 2018 elections and the consequential “Housequake”. The panel centered on how […]

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Record turnout
Latah County midterm voter turnout reaches presidential election year mark

About 71 percent of registered voters in Latah County cast ballots Tuesday, according to the county elections office. The total county turnout was 10 percent higher in this election than […]