It’s easy to get overwhelmed during midterms week, but it’s important to take care of your mental health. It doesn’t have to be a week full of endless tests and […]
Midterms can be a stressful time for students, but they are also a chance to celebrate making it halfway through the semester. With just a few days left until Spring […]
The patriarchy is a terrifying place to live, especially for women. Women have to deal with catcalling, objectification, sexual harassment and abuse. Being fired for pregnancy or passed over for […]
The American two-party system has been active in America for a long time. In the 1820s the original Democratic party split into two: the modern Democratic party and the Grand […]
As the midterm elections are coming up, the question on many people’s minds is will students vote. The ASUI is looking to make that answer a yes. “We set a […]
Midterms are upon us, and while this can mean heightened stress levels and anxiety over tests, don’t forget to celebrate making it halfway through the semester as well. This week […]
I’ve found myself reflecting on midterms, yet again. Though I feel a general joy that this hellish week has concluded, I can’t help but think that midterms are stupid. I may be preaching […]
On Thursday, Oct. 14, Vandal Entertainment (VE) is holding a midterms week rage room at the ISUB Plaza. VE will be providing plates and various other dishware for students to […]
In a panel by the University of Idaho Politics and Philosophy department put on Thursday, five professors discussed the 2018 elections and the consequential “Housequake”. The panel centered on how […]
About 71 percent of registered voters in Latah County cast ballots Tuesday, according to the county elections office. The total county turnout was 10 percent higher in this election than […]