University of Idaho students and graduates have taken quite the following on their student-run media pages. “UIdaho Memes for Socially Distanced Teens” has taken numerous names, including “UIdaho Memes for […]
I have fallen victim to the amusing memes created from the calamity around us. They are this generation’s ultimate form of entertainment. The gallery on my phone is full of […]
Treichel said the page allows members to meet like-minded people in a way they might have not before. Treichel said she has met a few people in the past year because of the page.
The University of Idaho’s unofficial meme page gives students a creative outlet to voice concerns about the university, while also making sure members of the page can find a bit of a chuckle.
University of Idaho fourth-year David Catts has been the subject of much attention in the last week. From news articles to memes created on ‘UIdaho Memes for Scott’s Tots,’ Catts’ […]
Internet memes — funny photos with witty punch lines — have become a popular source for quick entertainment in the digital world. Memes now infiltrate Facebook feeds and Pinterest boards, […]