Makeshift drink Monday: chai latte
Here's how to make the chai latte you've been craving

Most of us have a signature order when we go to coffee shops. As the stay-at-home order continues, many of us are missing our chai lattes or other drinks. Believe […]

Makeshift drink Monday: TikTok coffee
Whipped coffe, a new way to enjoy your latte

TikTok whipped coffee. Many of us have seen this drink on TikTok, Instagram or have watched videos of people trying this trend. The drink, first known as Dalgona coffee, has […]

Makeshift drink Monday
A weekly series of DIY drinks to try

Every Monday, we will be sharing different drinks to try.  This week: matcha latte Matcha Latte A drink that can be made in a variety of ways. Hot, cold, iced, […]