‘We’re Vandals, just like you’
Julia Keleher is known on UI’s campus for creating a community for LGBTQA students

Julia Keleher, director of the LGBTQA Office, plays a large role within the LGBTQA community. But Keleher is more than just a director, from adviser to parent to wife and […]

Keeping everyone safe and welcome
UI LGBTQA Office holds several trainings a year to teach people how to create a safe, inclusive environment for all

The University of Idaho LGBTQA Office has taught more than 700 people how to create a safe and inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQA community since 2008. The LGBTQA […]

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A panel of LGTBQA perspectives
LGBTQA Office to host open panel Thursday evening

Regardless of whether one is familiar with stories or issues within the LGBTQA community, Julia Keleher believes everyone will find something to enjoy in the upcoming LGBTQA Office Speakers Bureau […]

Nerds welcome

A new program sponsored by the University of Idaho Women’s Center and organized through the LGBTQA office celebrates the nerd fandoms that have taken over popular culture in recent years.

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Queering Sex Ed

Queering Sex Ed, a program put on by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning and Ally office, offers a safe and welcoming place for students and people in general to […]