W. Basketball: Forde Won’t Break

Ali Forde is not a forgettable woman. The 6-feet-2-inch post would stand out in a crowd based on her height alone, despite the fact that she basically skips around campus […]

Volleyball: Transfer Clarity

Idaho transfers Klaree Hobart and Haylee Mathis have provided a strong boost for the Vandal volleyball program after joining the program this winter. Earlier this spring, the Vandals squared off […]

Tweets of the Week 4/15/16

We have been recognized by the North Idaho Hall of Fame as the Team of the Year! #GoVandals https://t.co/I10Q1jJtmf pic.twitter.com/nTue4yrL74 – Idaho Vandals Soccer (@VandalsSoccer) April 11, 2016 Congrats to […]

Volleyball: Building Foundation

The lack of scrimmage experience during practice last week did not hinder the Idaho volleyball team in their pursuit of growth during a spring tournament in Pullman over the weekend. […]

Tweets of the Week 4/8/16

.@UIdahoWGolf won the Wyoming Cowgirl Classic in Maricopa, Arizona. The Vandals shot an 873 to finish eight shots ahead of Santa Clara. – Idaho Public Radio (@IdahoPubRadio) April 5, 2016 […]