News Update
Higher education budget cuts head to Senate
Idaho House moves to eliminate budgets in four-year universities

Idaho House of Representatives passed HB387 Monday, the higher education budget, potentially affecting the funding for the University of Idaho, Idaho State University and Boise State University. Legislative members from […]

News Update
Legislature cuts BSU’s budget
Lawmakers accuse higher education institutions of pushing beliefs on students

The Idaho Legislature’s decision to cut Boise State University’s budget by $409,000 came after recent disputes from lawmakers alleging public universities have a social justice agenda.  The cut is considered […]

Senate allocates funds, hears updates
The ASUI Senate passed a bill Wednesday putting funds toward travel costs for speakers at the Vote 4 her event

The ASUI Senate passed a bill Wednesday allocating $700 from the ASUI Senate Allocations Budget to help fund travel costs for speakers at the Vote 4 her event, a conference […]

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Legislative candidates to speak to UI forum Monday
The Center for Volunteerism and Social Action will host a legislative forum 6 p.m. Monday in the Bruce Pitman Center Vandal Ballroom.

Candidates for state representatives will come to campus 6 p.m. Monday for a forum in the Bruce Pitman Center Vandal Ballroom. All candidates vying for seats in Idaho’s fifth state […]