House speaker proposes changes to libel law
If enacted, violators are subject to up to $100,000 in fines and five years in prison

Last month, House Speaker Mike Moyle proposed a bill that would make it a felony to knowingly publish a false statement “with actual malice” about another person.  “Actual malice” is […]

Idaho Anti Vaccine House Bill Passed
Bill to allow K-12 vaccine exemptions

In the House of Representatives, House Bill 438 was introduced relating to immunization requiring an exemption. The bill has been received by the House and passed but has not been […]

Idaho Legislature looks to alter watchdog role 
House Bill 68 would dissolve JLOC, the only bipartisan committee

Idaho House Bill 68, authored by Rep. Megan Blanksma (R-23), would shift the oversight of the Office of Performance Evaluations from the bipartisan Joint Legislative Oversight Committee to the majority-party […]

Idaho House voted to ban gender-affirming procedures 
House Bill 71 would add hormonal and surgical interventions to genital mutilation law

The Idaho House of Representatives voted in February to ban gender-affirming medical procedures for minors. House Bill 71, entitled the Vulnerable Child Protective Act, passed with 58 representatives in favor and […]