As the spring semester begins to wrap up, renovations to on-campus housing complexes are drawing nearer. Renovations for Stevenson Wing in the Wallace Residence Center and the top three floors […]
Students in the North Campus Communities suspect that there is mold in their dorm rooms. Housing has denied any claims that there is black mold or asbestos in the dorms, but […]
It has been over five months since the new residence hall, North Campus Communities, was added to the University of Idaho’s list of available student housing. It was leased […]
The University of Idaho has housed every single student on the housing waitlist for Fall 2023, thanks in part to the creation of the North Campus Communities facility at the […]
What was once the FairBridge Inn, situated behind the McDonald’s on Pullman Road, has since been transformed into the North Campus Communities (NCC), the latest housing option available to returning […]
Students and employees were made aware of the burglary of an on-campus apartment via email on April 25. Moscow Police received a report that an unknown person unlawfully entered an […]
As one walks up and down the residential areas of Moscow, there are a plethora of historic and beautiful houses that make up the neighborhood. What is not immediately obvious […]
A projected 8-10% increase in incoming freshmen could reduce room availability for returning University of Idaho students. Housing and Residence Life has created 171 more beds to accommodate more freshmen […]
Hello, I am Ben DeWitt, editor of this year’s Housing Guide. Moving away from home is a very stressful situation. You leave behind all you’ve known to attempt to live […]
Choosing where to live as a freshman can be pretty simple. It’s either Theophilus Tower, Wallace or limited options in the LLCs, with first years being required to live on […]