Grotesquely beautiful are fitting words that aren’t often paired together, but when it comes to the new film directed by Robert Eggers, “Nosferatu,” it wonderfully combines the two in a twisted […]
Immaculate is an 1hour and 29 minute movie of nonstop horror and nail-biting twists and turns. Starring Sydney Sweeney, who plays plays the nun Cecilia, Alvaro Morte as Father Sal […]
Mike Flanagan harnesses the horror genre like a quintessential composer. However, the new-age-horror-virtuoso failed last year tremendously with his “Midnight Club,” a rare miss for the maestro. But worry not, […]
The “Castlevania” series by Netflix shocked the world upon its premiere in 2017. Dubbed as one of the finest video game adaptations of all time, the series has created an […]
Last week, the student-organized Wicked Wednesday event showcased 1992’s “Candyman” at the Kenworthy Theatre. “Candyman” is oft credited for the rise of “black horror” because of the way its subtext […]
Want to see a horror movie in the place it first became classic? Moscow Film Society is working with the University of Idaho Film studies class to bring you their […]
When I watched Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”, I wondered: “What does the shining do?” Can it read minds? Does it allow people to control items? Can I talk to ghosts? […]
Exactly nine years ago, my brother went to Las Vegas for his 21st birthday with his friends and my dad tagged along. Nine years ago, he experienced Sin City and […]
“The Conjuring” The movie that started it all, “The Conjuring” came out in 2013 and is the first movie Annabelle made an appearance in. The movie starts with us learning […]
“Hi. I’m Chucky and I’ll be your friend til’ the end.” We’ve all heard this famous phrase said back in 1988 by the original, beloved Chucky character. This famous phrase […]