GALLERY: Moose spotted on campus
The pair lounged among students on their way to class

On Tuesday, two moose were spotted lounging on the lawn around the Administration Building and Hello Walk. They were seen grazing on the lawn, chasing each other and sleeping over […]

Sixth and Jackson: what might be coming
Moscow Urban Renewal Agency will vote in two weeks to decide who can develop a property at Sixth and Jackson

Two Moscow developers presented ideas for a new development on the corner of Sixth and Jackson Street during the Moscow Urban Renewal Agency meeting Thursday. The first proposal, presented by […]

Olivia Heersink | Argonaut The Katy Benoit
A legacy etched in stone
UI honors grad student murdered by ex-professor every September

The University of Idaho campus is littered with benches, especially near Hello Walk. Inspirational phrases derived from the minds of writers and philosophers are etched into the stone resting places, […]