Sharp relief

Acupuncturists treat locals, healing together Moscow acupuncturists have been providing trauma-relief clinics to build bonds between locals and help repair the community in the wake of the January shootings that […]

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Extending amnesty

Moscow police consider adopting an amnesty policy It’s a crisis situation — an underage student has alcohol poisoning and needs medical attention immediately. Instead of seeking help, however, the thoughts […]

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Horoscopes 11.14.14

Scorpio 10/23-11/21  In less than seven days, you’ll be on the road again. You just can’t wait to get on the road again.

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Don’t be a SAD eater

Tips and tricks for positive eating There is a reason the Standard American Diet is abbreviated as SAD.  With a hefty helping of added sugars, added fats and refined grains, […]

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A healthy priority

The Idaho and Florida football teams, opening opponents in 2014, had one thing in common in 2013: Both teams were forced to use three quarterbacks due to injuries. Obtaining injuries […]

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Smoke-initiative moves forward

Serving Your New Community, or SYNC, is an annual opportunity for incoming freshmen to connect with other students and community members through service projects in the Moscow area. For the […]