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$3,500 grant to Latah County Historical Society
Money will go towards supporting payroll and keeping employees on board

The Latah County Historical Society (LCHS) was awarded $3,500 of CARES Act funding by the Idaho Humanities Council (IHC). The money from the grant originated from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Dulce Kersting-Lark, the director of LCHS, said […]

UI professors explain interdisciplinary work
Researchers Edwin Lewis and Shriley Luckhart explain the Center for Health in the Human Ecosystem’s work at Tuesday’s Malcolm Renfrew Colloquium

Biological organisms and ecosystems are incredibly complex. Oftentimes, it takes multiple researchers with diverse ranges of focus to understand biological puzzles. That’s why researchers Edwin Lewis and Shirley Luckhart work […]

Flipping the script
UI broadcasting and digital media student awarded $1,000 grant for short film project

Bailey O’Bryant came to the University of Idaho in 2015 determined to become a journalist. While the 21-year-old Idaho Falls native remained in the School of Journalism and Mass Media, […]

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Free health resource for UI
Vandal Health Education receives grant to maintain program monitoring controlled substance use by students

Parents may worry about whether or not their kids will be safe when they send them to college. Vandal Health Education works with a variety of other resources — including […]