February Horoscopes
What does this month have in store for you?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)   Cherish your new connections this month. The people you’ve become closer to lately are going to become very important parts of your life. It’s […]

Horoscopes: February Overview
What’s in store for you this month?

Aries (March 21-April 20)  Don’t put too much pressure on yourself this month. You are making progress toward your goals, even if it’s hard to see right now, so don’t […]

History for all
Black History Month celebrates the notable, and sometimes forgotten, contributions of the black community

King. Parks. X. Mandela. Decades after their contributions to society, notable black figures in history are celebrated in America during the month of February, better known as Black History Month. […]

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Off the cuff

War on the media President Trump’s “running war with the media” is the equivalent to going to war against provable fact. Make no mistake about that. — Erin Thank goodness […]