On Wednesday, Dec. 4, students, professors and friends gathered in the Brink faculty lounge to celebrate the official launch of “brink.,” the latest undergraduate student magazine produced by UI’s English […]
The University of Idaho is famous for its liberal arts programs, both graduate and undergraduate. Out of all the things that have come from the university, the literary magazine Fugue […]
The University of Idaho Hemingway Festival held an annual benefit dinner Saturday to raise funds for the English department’s Hemingway Fellowship, drawing together readers and writers in celebration of Ernest […]
Justin McCabe didn”t choose the writer”s life – the writer”s life chose him. McCabe, 19, is a junior at the University of Idaho majoring in English with an emphasis in […]
The University of Idaho Hemingway Festival High School Writing Contest opened last month, allowing regional high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to win cash prizes and pursue their passions […]
Two new professors who have joined the English department, Scott Slovic and Erin James, are bringing the University of Idaho’s program of literature and environment to a new level.