For some students, college wasn”t an option – pursuing a higher education was a certain and critical part of their future. But for others, college wasn”t an option. It was […]
The first three days of the spring semester are followed by the first three-day weekend of the semester. While many students look forward to the long weekend for relaxation purposes, […]
The start of this year was not a happy one for the people of Moscow. Just 10 days into 2015 the community was rocked by a shooting incident that killed […]
When Blackboard freezes or VandalWeb crashes during registration, it”s easy to become frustrated with the technology the University of Idaho has worked to incorporate into its academic programs. However, there […]
Teaching assistants have more on their plates than most. While many people around campus fit into a single category, such as student, staff, faculty or administration, graduate students who also […]
Within hours of the University of Idaho campus there are four of the largest Native American tribes in Idaho: Coeur d”Alene, Kootenai, Nez Perce and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. Yet, as […]
Homecoming is a time of nostalgia. For 126 years, the University of Idaho has provided a place for students to receive an education, but it also serves as a campus […]
In the wake of multiple school shootings at institutions of higher education, such as those at Umpqua Community College, Northern Arizona University and Texas Southern University, the debate over gun […]
Technology is a defining characteristic of the 21st century. It is now so intertwined with every day life, it”s no surprise that educational institutions are trying to integrate increasing amounts […]
During an average day on the University of Idaho campus, the number of students walking around might not appear to fluctuate very much from year-to-year. However, overall student enrollment […]