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Replace words with action
Vote for candidates capable of changing Idaho for the good

Over the last year, we’ve seen protests, marches and demonstrations from a passionate and energetic electorate. Nov. 6 is the day to make those actions truly count. Demonstrations like the […]

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120 years and counting
Student journalism is more important now than ever, and it’s thanks to our readers

According to Greek mythology, Jason and the Argonauts — a band of adventurers and warriors — set out in search of the Golden Fleece in 1300 B.C. While the tale […]

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New year, new beginnings
Be prepared for a Moscow school year filled with self-discovery, adversity and adventure

While the end of July approaches, the last gasps of summer make way for thoughts and dreams of college life. Some Vandals may be returning for their second, third or […]

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Speak up, speak out
The latest mass shooting in Florida shows the young, student voice should be the leading voice in the gun control debate

Our current editorial staff has been producing editorials for just half a year now. This editorial will become our third piece on gun violence and our fifth piece on safety […]

Dissecting UI’s priorities

Data tied directly to budget reallocation targets for the 2019 fiscal year at the University of Idaho lacked reliability assessments necessary for publication in a reputable academic journal, according to […]