Last weekend, millions gathered all over the world in 2017’s Women’s March. In Moscow alone, approximately 2,500 people of all identities came together to bring awareness to a multitude of […]
A few years ago, it was rare to find anyone who discussed the term “cultural appropriation” outside of the academic world. Now, the often negatively interpreted phrase is seen on […]
Homo-hop and spoken word pieces are a few of the many ways Harvey Katz is able to connect with his audience.
Honoring personal identities and applying gender neutral pronouns were just a few of the many things keynote speaker Jack Qu’emi, Afro-Latinx and non-binary femme, showed a passion in the keynote […]
The ASUI Senate filled their empty seats Wednesday evening by voting in four new senators — Lindsey LaPrath, Catherine Yenne, Maria Meza and Michael Lejardi.
A group of 16 applicants met in the ASUI office Wednesday for a meet-and-greet before official interviews are conducted and the four open senate seats are filled next week.
Bringing gender equality and a sense of inclusivity to the community was the reason for creating the new identifier, “Latinx,” that may soon replace the terms “Latino” and “Latina” completely.
Buttons that support communities of people with various identities on campus are often passed out at diversity events hosted by University of Idaho organizations like the Women’s Center and the […]
The audience silenced as India”s national anthem began to play. The piece was purely instrumental, but up on stage, host and University of Idaho graduate student Asad Iqbal mouthed the […]
Let”s take a quick look at the current issues happening in the State of Mississippi. It is one of the most obese states in the United States, which is one […]