Vandal Nation/Argonaut Sports
What do college athletes eat in a day?
Connor Whitney and Jolene Whiteley talk about nutrition from the perspective of a student athlete

Nutrition is often taught to be important to us from a very young age. Whether it’s different physical education or health classes, most people have been taught at various ages […]

OPINION: Plant-based alternatives
My relationship with vegetarianism

I throw a soy hotdog into the microwave uncovered and nuke it for 30 seconds too long. Unlike regular meat, my burnt, plant-based hotdog is bubbled and stretched. But I still put it into a bun and drench it with ketchup. It tastes the same as always, and after my meal I am left with two things: a guilt free conscious and eight grams of protein.

Get your wellness in gear
Attend the Health and Rec Fair to get free flu shots, health information, food and prizes

College is a time of great change in most students lives. From moving, making new friends and adjusting to a different lifestyle, it is needless to say that it can […]

Nutrition advice for athletes
Sports nutrition recommendations to stay healthy

Many college athletes feel invincible. They are young, healthy and the quality of food they place in their mouths may not be as important as how it tastes. However, more […]

Beef: it’s not for dinner
Going vegetarian isn’t an easy choice, but it’s definitely worth considering making a switch

Hello, my name is Olivia Heersink, and it’s been almost two months since I last ate meat. To the average reader, that tidbit of information might seem odd, uninteresting or […]

Friendly food
Healthy eating is the key to a healthy and happy lifestyle, not just working out

Now that we are through February, it is safe to say that those who have stuck to their healthy New Year’s resolutions are making progress. Many others went to the […]

Blurred lines and eating disorders

Finding a flexible, healthy relationship with food and weight Editor’s note: This column originally ran on Tuesday and included errors added during the editing process. Each day, I work with […]

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Biggest winner and loser

Best and worst diets for 2014   Every year the diet industry attempts to lure dieters with quick fixes, flashy marketing and a steady stream of misinformation that can make […]