OPINION: College stumps creativity
Storing away art supplies, making room for textbooks

Though January felt like it went on forever, it doesn’t feel like classes have been in session for long. We are nearing the end of the first five weeks of the semester, and it doesn’t seem real.

For the future of The Argonaut
Looking back on what made my time at UI so enjoyable, looking to the The Argonaut’s future

Newsrooms across the country are feeling the impacts of an ever-changing political climate and consistent instability within the industry.  While student newsrooms do not always face the exact same challenges […]

Combining creative minds
“Asterisk” exhibition to showcase MFA students’ skills Friday evening at the Prichard Art Gallery

Jonathan Matteson doesn’t need to showcase his art in a gallery for viewers to experience his work.  Coming from a marketing background, Matteson said he decided to take the skills […]

A little bit of childhood magic
Animated movies are the best kind of films to watch for children and adults

“Coco.” “Shrek.” “A Bug’s Life.” “Toy Story.” “Moana.” “Monster’s Inc.”  These are just a few of my favorite animated films, and for good reason, too. They make me smile and […]

Learning to learn
Learning how to learn is the best way to gain valuable knowledge

You need to know how to learn before you can be taught. Academic institutions often emphasize teaching students, but do little to contribute and ensure the student’s ability to learn. […]

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Off the cuff

War on the media President Trump’s “running war with the media” is the equivalent to going to war against provable fact. Make no mistake about that. — Erin Thank goodness […]

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Radio dramas for students and mamas

Scheduled radio dramas provide entertainment The Shadow was an early superhero who started in the 1930s and has appeared in pulp novels, radio dramas and live-action films over the years. Now, […]