A stack of toilet paper next to a window
COVID-19 affected my spring break
I offer a first-hand account and thoughts about the panic

When panic about the coronavirus started, I hadn’t really noticed anything. I saw the memes of people stocking up on toilet paper first on an Australian “The Simpsons” meme page. […]

Programs adjust to online-only classes
Different program heads and department chairs describe the change to online learning

As the University of Idaho announced they would move to online-only classes departments across UI have had to figure out how to adjust.  The Theatre Arts Department has offered online […]

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Pass/Fail classes are now an option for students
UI's withdraw date has been extended to May 1

The University of Idaho is allowing undergraduate and graduate students to opt into a Pass/Fail grading system for Spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak, according to an email from provost […]

Bite-sized news with ASUI
The Counseling and Testing Center is doing distance appointments, which is outlined on their website

Big-ticket items: Pass or fail grading systems There is consideration of moving to a pass or fail grading system for the Spring 2020 semester. President Jacob Lockhart discussed this system […]

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Moscow City Council extends emergency order
Violating emergency order 20-02 will result in a misdemeanor, $1,000 fine and a mandatory visit with a judge

On March 26, the Moscow City Council called an emergency meeting to approved Resolution No. 2020-07 to extend Public Health Emergency Order No. 20-02, until May 5. Moscow Mayor Bill […]