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Stop signs on human trafficking

Governor passes bill that allows posting information for human trafficking victims BOISE — The “VETO” stamp hovered above H.B. 183 for a long moment, and right before Idaho Governor C.L. […]

Anti-bullying bill introduced

Bill to reduce bullying in Idaho introduced, under scrutiny Boise — Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, introduced a bill to a House committee Tuesday in an effort to decrease bullying in […]

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Proposed policy for chemical abortions

Committee introduced bill to regulate chemical abortions BOISE — A bill introduced by Idaho lawmakers Thursday would require patients interested in receiving an abortion with the ingestion of prescribed drugs […]

Obama visits Idaho

POTUS talks middle class, ending gridlock in Congress According to President Barack Obama, the bluest place in Idaho is in Boise State University’s Albertsons Stadium, which is known for its […]

The right space

Renovations begin on UI law center in Boise  Renovations are slated to begin on the old Ada County Courthouse this month in preparation for the new Idaho Law and Justice […]

Burnett looks back

Former law dean a visionary for new law center Don Burnett always had big plans for the old Ada County Courthouse. “Every time I went down to Boise I’d walk […]

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Invisible work

There is more to a theater production than the memorized lines and choreographed scenes. It takes a team of people behind the scenes to put together a production. Designers, stage […]

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Gathering ambassadors

Students to represent UI at annual Legislative Breakfast University of Idaho students will do more than drink coffee and eat finger foods this year at the 2015 Legislative Breakfast. A […]

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Vandals prepare for Broncos

After another disappointing road trip, the Vandal men’s tennis team had some time to lick their wounds — both literally and figuratively before hitting the road to face rival Boise […]