The Clothesline Project started in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. Groups all around the nation decorate and hang T-shirts on a clothesline to help others express their support for the cause | Clothesline Project Courtesy
What is The Clothesline Project?
Telling stories through t-shirts

The University of Idaho still has several events planned for the concluding week of Sexual Assault Awareness month this April. From Sunday, April 25 to Friday, April 30 in the […]

Associated Students University of Idaho. Angela Palermo | The Argonaut
ASUI debates funding “Say Their Name” yard sign project
Senators discussed the logistics of allocating funds

Associated Students University of Idaho Senate introduced a bill Wednesday that would allocate funding for a project called “Say Their Name,” co-run by the Black Student Union.  The bill allocates over $416 for the purchase of yard signs that would be […]

Associated Students University of Idaho. Angela Palermo | The Argonaut
Senate candidate focus on inclusion
Forum held for senators to speak about their platforms prior to elections

Candidates running for Associated Students University of Idaho discussed decreased involvement across campus because of COVID-19, encouraging representation in underrepresented groups and having an open dialogue with the Idaho legislature.   […]

News Update
Candidates discuss inclusivity and student involvement
ASUI hosts forum for potential legislative members

Associated Students University of Idaho hosted an open forum for senate candidates, covering topics from student involvement to communications with the Idaho Legislature.   A focal point of the discussion was potential senators’ goals to increase participation in the student body.   Lillie Manyon, a freshman, wants to utilize a point system to […]

ASUI Senate reconvenes after spring break
New ASUI podcast will feature President Scott Green

Associated Students of the University of Idaho held their first senate meeting after spring break, discussing transparency and a community support project.   The meeting covered an upcoming podcast featuring ASUI […]