What does it mean to be inspired? And why can inspiration be so difficult to find sometimes? Inspiration starts with the individual. It’s a choice. Being inspired isn’t a luxury, […]
The third annual University of Idaho MLK Art and Essay Contest is accepting submissions of art and writing from undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled this semester. The university’s Ubuntu […]
The University of Idaho Theatre Department’s “Medea: Her Story” is off to Denver, Colorado to perform for a much broader audience Feb. 21. “Medea: Her Story,” is one of three […]
In celebration of the “Chinese” or “Lunar” New Year, Festival Dance will present a performance by the Lorita Leung Dance Academy at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21 in the University […]
Silas Harper Bray has changed significantly over the last few years. The change is apparent in the contrast between two different paintings they’ve done. One took 40 hours of painstaking […]
The mantra that “life imitates art,” primarily attributed to Oscar Wilde, is more true than many care to credit.
As students walked by the Teaching and Learning Center at the University of Idaho Sept. 2, many noticed a man encouraging people to draw on a bed-sheet stretched across an […]
When Sam Opdahl and Mitchel Wheeler sat down to brainstorm a project they could write together, they aimed for something simple. The first idea they came up with, however, was […]
Art begins with and starts with a discussion. It’s an idea that can be pursued in an artistic form. It is wonder. It is curiosity. Andria Marcussen and Ted Kelchner […]
More than a decade ago Americans everywhere lunged into the depths of the ocean and became virtual divers and explorers of the deep sea all because of an animated movie […]