University of Idaho Student Media (The Argonaut, Blot Magazine, KUOI-FM, Student Media Advertising) serves as a focal point for student life among UI students by providing important forums for the exchange of ideas and opinions, information about events, and news of general interest about the campus, region, nation and world.

It is the mission of Student Media and the Student Media Board to protect students’ First Amendment rights by upholding the following objectives:

  1. To ensure Student Media is free from censorship, including no advanced approval of copy in order to exercise their choice to express unpopular opinions or to agree with majority views.
  2. To enhance students’ education through training and practical experience in media methods, management, ethics, responsibilities and community service.
  3. To provide media access to individual students, student organizations and the community by providing forums for expression of news, opinion and general information.
  4. To furnish state-of-the-art facilities and training in an environment that encourages students to aspire to excellence, facilitate their creativity, and promote their development as productive and accountable members of our society.
  5. To encourage airing and resolution of Student Media-related grievances

A PDF of the complete Student Media Board bylaws is available here.

To send a comment, question, grievance or appeal to the board chair, email


Student Media Board Minutes

February 9, 2021 Student Media Board Minutes

March 30, 2021 Student Media Board Minutes

September 14, 2021 Student Media Board Minutes

October 12, 2021 Student Media Board Minutes


April 12th, 2022 Student Media Board Minutes

To request other past minutes, please email Student Media Chairman Luke Goodwin:

 The Student Media Board will resume for the Fall semester on September 13th, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. over Zoom. Email to request access.