GALLERY: Moose spotted on campus
The pair lounged among students on their way to class

On Tuesday, two moose were spotted lounging on the lawn around the Administration Building and Hello Walk. They were seen grazing on the lawn, chasing each other and sleeping over […]

Campus Currents: 3/17-3/23 
What’s happening at UI this week?

Happy Monday, Vandals! Spring Break and midterm exams are over, so now it’s the home stretch toward finals and summer. It’s time to keep up your motivation and push through […]

House speaker proposes changes to libel law
If enacted, violators are subject to up to $100,000 in fines and five years in prison

Last month, House Speaker Mike Moyle proposed a bill that would make it a felony to knowingly publish a false statement “with actual malice” about another person.  “Actual malice” is […]