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OTC — 1.24.19
Quick takes on life from our editors

What female leader do you look up to? J.K. Rowling While not a world leader, she certainly shaped my childhood for the better. No one has transformed the modern literary […]

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OTC — 1.16.19

What’s your 2019 resolution? Take Control For a while, my life has dictated my actions. Now, I want my actions to dictate my life. — Brandon Take it all in […]

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What’s open over winter break
For those staying in Moscow over winter break, here is a list of the UI facilities that will be open and closed

For students who will be staying in Moscow over the break, both the Idaho Commons and Pitman Center, along with all general education buildings, will be closed during the holidays. […]

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OTC — 12.06.18

What is your wish this holiday season? Inner peace This semester has been one big coffee-fueled rollercoaster. Hopefully, some rest next to a roaring fire while football plays in the […]

Pantry hosts drive
A campus-wide food drive aims to combat food insecurity

Peanut butter, granola bars, canned meat and instant meals are just a few of the non-perishable food items that students can donate to the Vandal Food Drive, according to Megan […]

Winter blues
Healthy habits to stay out of the winter slump this upcoming season

Winter can be a fun time full of snow, hot cocoa and Christmas. However, some of us get caught up in seasonal depression. Because we live in Northern Idaho where […]