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Oscar predictions from the Vandal community
Which film do you think should win Best Picture at Sunday's Oscars and why?

“A Star is Born” While I don’t believe “A Star is Born” will actually win, the film is still a masterpiece deserving of some recognition. Despite being the fourth iteration, […]

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OTC — 2.21.19
Quick takes on life from our editors

What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended? More than a feeling Boston continues to be one of my favorite bands, and their debut album is arguably one of the best […]

An eye opening film
Netflix’s “Bird Box” sheds a much needed light on mental illnesses

Directed Academy Award winner Susanna Bier, “Bird Box” is the latest post-apocalyptic film on Netflix that has sparked a lot of criticism and praise by viewers all over the world. […]

Problematic fame
Why romanticizing serial killers is problematic

Society has been glamorizing some of the most unexpected celebrities for years — serial killers.  From the age of Jack the Ripper to now, there is some pretty complicated psychology why […]

The latest in battle between UI and tenured professor
An updated timeline of Denise Bennett's conflict with the UI administration

Denise Bennett, a tenured journalism and mass media professor at the University of Idaho, was placed on administrative leave after exhibiting unprofessional conduct toward Sean Quinlan, dean of College of […]

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UPDATE: UI issues second Vandal Alert

UPDATE: UI issues a second Vandal Alert, explaining the reasoning behind yesterday’s controversial Vandal Alert regarding Denise Bennett. Staben also issued the same information via a campus-wide email. “Ms. Bennett’s […]

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OTC — 1.31.19
Quick takes on life from our editors

What do you want to be when you grow up? Author You know, writing on my own time. Coming up with my own…fake…drama. — Brandon A writer Doesn’t matter what […]

UPDATED: UI chemistry professor dies on campus
Thomas Bitterwolf died Wednesday afternoon in Malcom Renfrew Hall

A University of Idaho chemistry professor died Wednesday afternoon in Malcom Renfrew Hall. It is unknown what caused Thomas Bitterwolf’s death or the specific time, according to UI spokesperson Jodi […]